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Australia’s Screen Queen

The interviewer becomes the interviewee as the delightful Julia Zemiro reveals memories about her successful career, childhood and love for ABBA.

Australia’s Screen Queen

The interviewer becomes the interviewee as the delightful Julia Zemiro reveals memories about her successful career, childhood and love for ABBA.

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Australia’s Screen Queen

The interviewer becomes the interviewee as the delightful Julia Zemiro reveals memories about her successful career, childhood and love for ABBA.

Zoë Foster Blake: The beauty guru

Journalist, author and CEO of ‘Go-To Skin Care’, Zoë Foster Blake, spoke with Madison Downing about her extensive career.

Peter Hitchener: From monochrome to Twitter

“I think people will always be interested in a story, and are always interested in one another. How the stories are delivered will change,” Peter Hitchener tells Marie Trevithick.

Is your internship exploitative?

There’s more to an internship than going on coffee runs. upstart asks industry experts how to know if you’re being exploited.

The spontaneity of being a reporter

Channel Seven reporter, Kate Jones, tells emerging journalists to be prepared to cancel a lot of dinner plans, writes Lauren Bordin.

From student to full-time worker

The Foundation for Young Australians’ Patrick Rundle speaks with Mandi Santic, providing some helpful advice to students who will be looking to enter the workforce.

Cadetship available at Swan Hill

Looking for a cadetship with a Victorian regional newspaper? The Guardian in Swan Hill is seeking an enthusiastic journalism graduate to join its team.