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Party Crasher: Voluntary Euthanasia Party

In the next edition of the Party Crasher series, Bridget Rollason speaks with the Voluntary Euthanasia Party’s co-founder Dr. Death to discuss the election chances of the controversial party.

The Trail Wrap: Day 20

Day 20 of the election campaign featured the former PM, Julia Gillard, but not by choice.

The Trail Wrap: Day 17

It’s officially the halfway mark of the campaign on day 17, and it’s the second leaders’ debate which dominated the news.

Party Crasher: Drug Law Reform

In today’s edition of Party Crasher, Bridget Rollason speaks with the Drug Law Reform Party campaigning to, ‘Keep the bastards rational and decriminalise all drugs.

Don’t rock the boats

A pair of remarks this week highlighted the different campaigns of Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott, writes Liam Quinn.

Party Crasher: Animal Justice Party

In our next Party Crasher, Bridget Rollason spoke to the Animal Justice Party which is representing more than just the people of Australia this election.

Battlegrounds: NSW and ACT

New South Wales has long been hailed as the place where the election will be won or lost. Adria De Fazio profiles the marginal seats in NSW and the ACT ahead of September 7.

The Trail Wrap: Day 15

KRudd tweeted, Tony Abbott quoted, and another Coalition MP stumbled over some of his party’s finer policy points on day 15.

Party Crasher: HEMP Party

Making a comeback for the 2013 election, The HEMP Party has one issue on their agenda- legalising marijuana.

Battlegrounds: Victoria

As the Rudd and Abbott buses transport media and politicians across the country, Adria De Fazio profiles three of the key seats in Victoria this election.

The Trial Wrap: Day 13

With each passing day, Labor is getting into more trouble – the polls now indicate an almost certain victory to the Coalition.

The Trail Wrap: Day 11

The gloves are off in the election campaign, and day eleven had all campaigning pollies desperately searching for the perfect tune with voters.

Hunting for votes

Some Tony Abbott gaffes appear to have given Kevin Rudd a chance to go on the attack, but Hayden Morris explains in cartoon why that mightn’t be the case.