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Daniel Andrews spends big on Facebook likes

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews is paying for the public’s popularity, spending $281,469 on Facebook. Over the past two years, the state government has been promoting

The emoji-pocalypse

80 per cent of the population uses emojis. Lucille Sadek asks if it’s affecting our communication skills.

Regional papers struggle to keep up

Kieran Balmaceda examines how the uncertain future of print news could affect local communities as the big outlets begin to downsize rural operations.

Smartphone owners are one step ahead

Smartphones are often blamed for impacting teenagers’ social relationships but perhaps we should be concerned about those without one, writes Tijan Biner.

Downsides to the digital era

A perpetual state of information overload is having effects on our ability to decipher, process and store information, writes Kieran Balmaceda.

Feeding the social media machine

The threat of companies tracking your online behaviour and selling that information to marketers is becoming dangerous, writes Kieran Balmaceda.